About Us
We've all seen it. The subtle (or not-so-subtle) tension between CEOs and L&D professionals over training's efficacy. CEOs, with their laser focus on ROI, often perceive training as a “nice-to-have”. And frankly, when science says 75% of new knowledge evaporates after two weeks, it's a challenge to convince them otherwise.
So, how can L&D pros champion their cause and turn skeptics into believers? 🌟
  1. Reinforce to Remember: It's not just about learning; it's about retaining. Implement reinforcement practices to ensure the training isn’t a one-and-done deal.
  2. Redefine Metrics: Move beyond "completed trainings". Dive deep into knowledge levels by topic, spot organization-wide knowledge gaps, discover hidden talents, and suggest reskilling paths. Paint a picture CEOs can't ignore.
  3. Connect the Dots with ROI: Correlate! If it's a safety course, track post-training injuries. Sales course? Monitor those sales numbers. Compliance? Count those incident reports. When CEOs see the metrics, they believe.
The Takeaway: Training isn't a cost; it's an investment. And like all investments, its value is realized when it’s strategized, analyzed, and optimized. For L&D, finding a vendor with robust analytics isn't just a good idea—it's the cornerstone for a harmonious CEO-L&D relationship. Because the ultimate corporate love story is when C-level and L&D walk hand-in-hand towards a brighter, knowledgeable future.

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Konceptiva: startup of the month January ’22!
Gamification of Corporate Training - #Session1
Here are 5 tips for creating an effective course